Event AV: Who should I hire?

Things to know before hiring event AV

If you’re interested in working with an AV company for your event, there are a couple things you should know before you start the hiring process.

  1. What is the goal of your event?
    • Before you contact your the company you want to do your event AV, make sure you know what you want your event to be. Will it be a educational presentation? Will it be an engaging activity? Different equipment can drastically change how the event feels.
  2. What are your needs vs. wants for the event?
    • Your basic needs may be a screen, projector, a few speakers, and a microphone, but adding small details will go a long way to help your audience stay engaged. Lighting, drape, projection mapping, and much more can all help make your event unique and fun. It’s up to you to decide how important everything on your list is, especially when budget is on the line.
  3. How big is your event?
    • The size of the venue and the amount of people in the room can call for a wide range of equipment needed for the event. The dimensions of the room and the head-count should be enough for a technician to know what is required.
The Elby's at Main Street Station in Richmond, VA

2 screens, face-light, and a PA flying from truss at Main St. Station in Richmond, VA

Choosing an Event AV company

After you know your plan, the next step is to choose an event AV company. The most important job of an audio visual company is to provide solutions, not products. Instead of trying to sell you equipment, they should look at your goals and needs and provide the answers that will result in a successful event. Many companies will use the same equipment, so you should make your choice based on how knowledgeable they are and how their solution fits into your budget.

Event AV and lighting for a church event

Event AV can help to make your presentations unique, lighting backdrops are very versatile

The Lighting & Sound Company is a full event production company, not just an Event AV company. Maybe you need just a TV for a presentation, or maybe you need a full stage with a velour backdrop, projectors and screens, key lighting for a speaker, and a PA system. Allow us to make sure your event is perfect.